I voted yes in favour of the AV system.
I like the idea that in an AV system I will be able to protest about the incompetence of the main parties by making the Monster Raving Looney candidate my first choice. I won’t feel that I’ve wasted my vote, if he gets eliminated in the first round as my second choice candidate will then get my vote.
Just think though, if everyone thought and voted like me, the Monster Raving Looney would win the 50% required and would represent me in Parliament.
I may, of course, have difficulties spotting the difference between him and the MP that previously used to represent this constituency! He though it was ok to spend £80,000 of public money on work at his £1M mansion in Devon including around £50,000 on the 500 trees there, allegedly claiming they were essential parliamentary expenses as they gave off oxygen that kept him alive.
MP gives excuses for spending over £88,000 of our money on his mansion in Devon.
I am a little confused why this particular AV system is the one on offer, as even the Lib/Dems who wanted the change are not too keen on this particular version of AV and would prefer a proportional representation system, like the one used to elect Euro MPs.
Resident Badger
2 weeks ago
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