One thing I've noticed since moving to Devon is that quite a few preserved steam locomotives are allowed on railtrack main lines in this area. Special trains run most weeks somewhere around the country and Devon is popular due to the scenic routes they use. A lot of people are aware of these trains so if one is due you can normally tell from the number of people standing by the railway with cameras and video recorders
Photographing them at speed is quite a challenge, so sometimes I let the camera take a video instead. The brand new Steam Loco "Tornado, 60163" has been here a few times this year on the 'Torbay Express' and so have one or two others. Attached video is Tornado's first visit to Torbay. It travels down to Kingswear, leaving Railtrack at Paignton and finishing its journey along the Paignton to Kingswear Steam railway, which conveniently has a turntable where the loco can be turned round for the return journey to Bristol.
Resident Badger
2 weeks ago